The first hurdle was done: what to make. The0 next, more difficult challenge was to decide upon a fragrance. What would I like in February? Where would I like to be? Easy: Enjoying citrus in Florida. Beaches and fresh juice, preferably on South Beach with a beachy drink in hand while watching the waves.
With a goal in mind, I set sail for my Fragrance cabinet. Fresh Squeezed Oranges, Lime Cilantro, Ruby Red Grapefruit and Mojito fragrances found their way to me. I started at a ratio of 1:1:1:1 and worked in more of one or another until I smelled "The" scent. Citrus Mojito. Bliss.
I then gathered all of my solid conditioner ingredients and molds and made 25 of the little darlings. 24 2.5 oz Solid Conditioners colored with Tangerine Pop! mica.

... and don't forget the 25 1 oz solid shampoos with the same color and fragrance.
Next challenge: Packaging. I made cute round labels with the ingredients on the back and the major info on the front. They were shrink wrapped to the bottom of each conditioner.
Here's a close up of the label:

The little shampoos got a custom product information card and were stapled into a treat bag.

Got them all shipped off to the swap hostess and began waiting ever so (im)patiently for the return box. I love swaps! They're like Christmas all year long!
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