It's the little things in life that mean the most to me. Up until a couple of days ago my yard was covered with a beautiful blanket of white snow. Deep snow. Heavy snow. Then the February heatwave came through and melted all of that pristine snow making way for mud. Both snow and mud mean the chickens and ducks prefer to stay in the barn tossing hay and straw all over in their quest for something to do.
As the winds came through, all of that was blown away. When I returned home from delivering soap to a few special customers I let the dogs out for some relief. This is what met us.

It began to feel like Spring. During the warmer months most of my flock is allowed to free-range and tend the yard. They keep an eagle eye on the back door knowing that when it opens there's bound to be a treat thrown their way. They know when dinner time for humans is and knock at the door for kitchen scraps if we don't serve them quickly enough. I can't help but smile.
Here is the ever-vigilant Mojo Jojo. He's an Americauna cockerel that was supposed to be a pullet. His head comes to about mid-thigh to me, so I would imagine he's the size of a small hen turkey. We have a deal that he can stay as long as he respects the humans. So far it's working out.

In the very foreground (bottom of the photo) is Zhu Zhu, the roo rescued from Animal Control last July. In the far back (behind Mojo) is Roady Roo, a little cockerel raised by me beloved Road Runner hen. Yes we have too many roos. Not pictured is Uno, the head roo, a Silkie Bantam and daddy to Roady Roo.
When the treats were gone, they still hung out hopeful for more.

Though the weather man forecast snow and freezing rain for Sunday I suspect Spring is right around the corner.
We really enjoyed the eggs! They ended up boiled and put into a Beliazian stew called black dinner with a ton of recado spice that turns the stew black. Delicious. I'm sure the homegrown eggs helped the flavor!
I've never hard of that stew. Sounds great! You wouldn't believe how many I'm collecting lately. My fridge is full of eggs. Time to boil some up.